Monday 16 February 2009

What is creativity?

I define that creativity is one way a person to bring something new from their imagination or what they think to reality so that people can see.When you're imagine something different from other person, you have to think wisely before you can produce the idea. It must have passion and commitment to produce good idea to show how creative we are.
Creativity is a skills that everyone have and need to develop so that the idea can be managed.You also can show your creativity from the way you talk and the way you act.

Enjoy the video:)

This video show how creative the person use the simple book to looks more 3 dimension. In this video also you can see the imagination and passion will develop a good output. I really like the way the person think to create something different from other ABC book.
You also can see how long the person take to develop the book that can attract people to explore the whole book. The design show the creativity of someone and if we develop our skill we also can produce something that people will be remember.

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