Monday 30 March 2009

Week 7 : Random Association

On this week, we were asked to draw a sign or something that create the element of scary or dangerous or beware. Create that element base on a cat.

So here's my ideas;

The one that is circled was picked by Sir himself.

Week 6 : Juxtaposition part 2



Love is like a taste
It more like play with the fire
Once you bite, its a paint , its a tears
Like chili.

Car - Life

Sometimes you up sometimes you down
Sometimes you slow sometimes you fast
Sometimes you grip sometimes you loose
Sometimes you pretty sometimes you ugly
Sometimes you alive sometimes you dead

Man/Women - Garbage

Throw them to the garbage is the last choice
Think wisely before you throw
Please listen to their voice
Maybe she the only love that you know.

When animals are merged

Week 5 : Juxtaposition

1) An act or instance of placing close together or side by side, esp. for comparison or
2) The state of being close together or side by side.

0 = flower 9 = head
1 = lighting 8 = rain
2 = ice 7 = wood
3 = light 6 = tree
4 = fire 5 = spider
5 = duck 4 = root
6 = dog 3 = mountain
7 = oil 2 = wind
8 = leave 1 = rock
9 = fly 0 = water

Choose 1 number from the blue column and 1 number from the red column

Task 1:
Make a sentence based the numbers you've chosen.

I picked, "27", "75", "87".
+ The lighting that i get from the lamp help me to see the wood.
+ The dog try to catch the spider inside the box.
+ You can put that oil on the wood to start fire.

Task 2:
Combine each of the two words together.
+ LightingWood
+ Dog Spider
+ OilWood

Task 3 :
Draw images base on the combined words.

Week 4 : Mind Mapping - "Evil ME"

Monday 2 March 2009

Slumdog millionaire???

"Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning"

He is one of my idol to become successful in life. Actually we also share the same birthday with me.The reason why i mixed the two stuff which is the money and a computer because he is the person who makes all the people in the world using computer and also he was the richest man in the planet for 15 consecutive years. Even he were dropped out from Harvard University in 1975 but he proved to people in the world that if you're really interested to do something you like, you can become successful like him. Imagine how he build up Microsoft company with his passion to computer and technology.

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Innovative, Invention and Novelty??


For me innovative means something that you do with your own way or new way. This is how you want to make something more positive and more better. It also help you to increase your creativity and idea to develop better product. electric toothbrush

This is one of the example of innovative. A lot of company produced the electric toothbrush so people that are rushing or want something different can use this product. It also show that people idea and technology combined together and produce something better.


I defined the mean of invention is the beginning of the idea. People that think deeply to get the idea and then will produce their idea. Some of the invention are based on the process or ideas. It show that invention is more difficult than innovative because innovative is like the things that already have and we upgrade the technology become more better but invention we have to brainstorming the idea before we can get better result.


The means of novelty is being new with quality and interesting. Novelty also can we defined as something unusual and very subjective perceptions of individuals. When you got your own idea and make the idea looks strong with example, you'll produce good result.

Monday 16 February 2009

What is creativity?

I define that creativity is one way a person to bring something new from their imagination or what they think to reality so that people can see.When you're imagine something different from other person, you have to think wisely before you can produce the idea. It must have passion and commitment to produce good idea to show how creative we are.
Creativity is a skills that everyone have and need to develop so that the idea can be managed.You also can show your creativity from the way you talk and the way you act.

Enjoy the video:)

This video show how creative the person use the simple book to looks more 3 dimension. In this video also you can see the imagination and passion will develop a good output. I really like the way the person think to create something different from other ABC book.
You also can see how long the person take to develop the book that can attract people to explore the whole book. The design show the creativity of someone and if we develop our skill we also can produce something that people will be remember.